Monday, March 21, 2011

Bubble Wubble Hashish

I was trimming some of the dying (yellowing) leaves through my plant to increase air flow for the fantastic buds searching for light and I then was trying to research what exactly I could do with the trimmings later on... I found some videos and information on using you leaf trimmings at the end of your harvest to make bubble hash. I've always been curious on how to make hash and there are a few different ways to do so, whether it be from bud itself, keef, stems, beans, or the best - trimmings or "mash".

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Main Cola Has Begun!

The last few days the main cola of my girl has been growing 100-fold. Every day more and more she is showing signs of being the strain I suspected.. Northern Lights! A friend of mine gave me some of his batch of northern lights a few months ago from a medical marijuana legal state and I luckily found a beaner in the bag, so I put it with my other beans and stems. A few weeks after that I up and decided to go to my local Grow Big hydroponics store since I have been studying how to grow Maryjane for the past year or so and have been interested in hydroponics since I started reading botany books too. But when I planted my first two beans that grew into plants, I had no idea what beaner was what strain.. I had good luck with my GREEN thumb.. Haha!

Northern Lights
"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells."
-Dr. Seuss

Saturday, March 12, 2011

RIDICULOUS legalities..

Has anyone ever noticed that after having a great time with friends, enjoying a few beers or whatever drink you could imagine, and ya'll decide to have a shmoke session..
In my opinion... I'd rather be having a session before drinking or not getting too drunk and having a bowl with fellow stoners.. But either way I think to myself.. What the FUCK makes the difference? I feel as though I drank double what I already consumed as alcohol after..
Toking and drinking do NOT mix, at least with me, I say. But what really I'd like to know and what interests me most.. (Sorry a lil drunk and high as I write this..) Is why the FUCK (love that cuss word.. Hehe) are drugs such as alcohol, which totally limits your wealthy inhibitions... or prescription drugs even! Like adderall or should I say.. dextro-amphetamine & amphetamine.. whatever the fuck that is.. Haha
Don;t get me wrong, i actually love the prescription drug, of so called alias of "addie" but this shit is METH, certified, and federally government approved. :D
Do I really need to get into the tobacco industry for instance for RIDICULOUS legalities.. FUCK no. Have a good night you guys, and remember to vote, protest, or voice your opinion for medical marijuana legal rights!
To get a headstart go to:

Monday, March 7, 2011

Marijuana Recipe- Extensive collection of free marijuana recipes

Some of you who have read before now know that I'm Italiano and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to cook, and eat. But I also LOVE, LOVE, etc. the ganja. So I decided to be creative and make edibles. Mmmm Tasty.
I have only a couple of experiences with pot brownies, my first time was my senior year of high school just before turning 18 and I was with my 3 other friends at one of their homes on a Friday night.
These two guys of the 3 decided to make some pot brownies with some 1 oz. of shwag they had. Problem was, when all was said and done, the batter was in like a 6x6 pan dude! I only had one, and omigosh was the taste of the pot pungent to my taste buds. And you could smell it from the chocolate as well. It was gross to eat, didn't even finish 25% of it. Haha.
Anywho.. Needless to say, about a half hour to 45 minutes later I was higher than a motherfuckin' kite!
I was literally sooo chopped that I thought as I was sitting on a green couch that I was a tree with my arms spread across the top of it.
Not even joking.. I even called my Mother because I was sooo baked I just needed to go home and sleep it off. Lame.. I know.
So now that I am going to take on the challenge of putting some marijuana recipes to work. I wanted to share with you some recipes I found through my favorite search engine.
The thing is with me deciding to do this, is edibles are a good way to supply to your patients and fellow pot tokers. And when you know how to control the doses and potency, edibles can be ALOT of fun. Example: Party favors! Haha. Another plus is less smoke and coughing too.. Although I love the consequences of toking on a blunt, spliff, or pipe too. :) Hehe. CHecK THis OuT! - Peace.

Marijuana Recipe- Extensive collection of free marijuana recipes

Thursday, March 3, 2011

MMMMmmm MUNCHIES.. Mmm Not so Much..

I love my gonja.. Don't get a sister wrong But as the woman I am, I gotta watch my figure! :-o Besides the obvious point of being 21 yrs old, going out all the time or staying in and having a few beers, marijuana to me is the culprit in this predicament. I already enjoy and devour delicious food.. I'm Italiano! *muah* So therefore, being chopped and hungry already doesn't help when your appetite is so big, you get too cheeched out, lazy, and no fun! :(
But my advice to all of you is.. Either find a strain that doesn't make you crave to dietary misbehave, if you have access to it, or eat till you're full before you toke, and then eat even a little more. That way you're still high, with a full stomach, and happy as all heck could be. :D Hehe
Enjoy this cool site I discovered:

fighting the munchies - Forums

Pot Cookies.. Literally Haha

Quick Trading Company

Quick Trading Company

Awesome reading.. even if you're not growing pot. :D

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Unfortunately, yes I am a smoker of tobacco as well as green. I have been smoking cigarettes off and on since like the age of 12 or 13... Pretty ridiculous huh? Every smoker says what I'm going to say but it's true, if I really wanted to put forth all of my willpower and effort towards quitting smoking I could, but I just love the taste and pairing of a cigarette.. I mean they do kind of go with everything haha.
When I eat and I have a full belly, I like to have a cigarette.. When I drink beer or am drunk, I like to have a cigarette, I smoke a blunt and then I have a cigarette, this is the problem you see... I pair a cigarette with mostly every daily activity... But honestly I only probably have 3 at most cigs a day.. unless it's going out on the weekends which involves me drinking and going cig crazy.
But ANYWAY I was on one of my favorite DJ's facebook page and I noticed a few times that she mentions something called blu cigarettes a lot and she actually models them and endorses them as well. Unlike your typical smoke free vapor cigarettes these have a very sleek cool look to them and light up blue at the end. Pretty sweet huh?
I decided I might try them, because they're also known to help you quit smoking overtime as you lower the flavor or nicotine content gradually. They come in full flavor (16mg), light flavor (12mg), ultra-light flavor (8mg), and non-nicotine (0mg). They also come with your choice of classic tobacco, cherry crush, magnificent    mint, & java jolt flavor cartridges.
Another plus to these is the non-tar, non-additive, non stinky smell alternative to your normal marlboro, camel, etc. cigarette. I'm gunna give it a try and let ya'll know...
Follow this link to check dis ouuutttt!:::

I am about one week into the flowering process with my babii who I have decided to name Violent Violet. She is starting to reek of sweet, tangy, pungent smells and has white hairs all over the pistils. At the top of the plant she already has quadrupled the amount of colas growing.
I've head a lot of different opinions of this plant, which once upon a time had a roommate but I had to break up the relationship between the two because there was just too much male testosterone in one space. When people (close friends) of mine see my setup they either say, wow, like they have never seen anything like it before, or yea.. it looks dank but don't be surprised if it won't turn out towards the end of the harvest... PSH! I say.. only negativity will push me more towards not having my babii grow into a beautiful woman. I have a lot of confidence in Violet, and to think at first looking at both of my kids.. I thought the male was the one thriving.. Hah! So maybe this means... females grow slower? More research needed. 
Also, and of a few days ago Violent Violet has generously given me more violence with more violets.. 4 of them. Hopefully they will be standing with their own roots as soon as 10 more days! :)
After starting this op for my first time, I actually felt that I did so well during the whole process, that I have decided to choose more moderate level growing species to experiment with. Here are the ones I'm contemplating..  

Belladonna <3

Black Widow

White Russian

Let me know what you would choose if you had the choice! :D